Richmond Henrico Chesterfield Midlothian Hanover Virginia


Roxanne Dzierzewski, PsyD


Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Telehealth Psychology Services

I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation with no obligation to schedule an appointment. I find that potential clients appreciate the phone consult to help them gauge their comfort level with me and clarify any questions they may have about therapy and my services before committing to an appointment.


If you would like to schedule a phone consultation, request an appointment, or would like additional information about my services, please contact me at 804-859-1966.

You can also email me at or complete the contact form below, and I will follow-up with you shortly.

Please note that contacting me does not establish a therapeutic relationship.

If you are having an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.


Other important phone numbers:

Community Mental Health

Crisis Services of Richmond 


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

     1-800-273-TALK (8255)

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